There are more and more friends around me start to manage their own Facebook/Instagram pages. That's why I would like to introduce 3 apps that basically will be used, to facilitate the management of different pages.
Of course it is essential, so you need to download these 2 apps and connect the account between them. But remember to turn your IG account to Professional account / Creator account, as it will affect your right to review different data and more detailed info. Another benefit is to create tailored content to target different demographic groups (e.g. age and sex etc)
Then you can link up your Facebook and IG account in the backend, so as to simplify the management in the future. Like you can schedule post for 2 platforms at one stop to reduce the hustle in managing it manually. What's more, you can manage the comments in a centralized way.
This is a integrated application to manage Facebook and Instagram, aiming to facilitate users to place ad, check data of different platforms , manage content via mobile phones. For sure the desktop version provides a more comprehensive functions (e.g. data of website linkage). But it is more than enough for mobile users to reply comment across 2 platform under 1 application. While desktop version will be more preferably to handle ad placement and post scheduling .
Meta Business Suite / iOS / Android
Content scheduling
In desktop version, Facebook (Meta) launch a site named Creator Studio, which is a tool to schedule content for different pages. You can save those repeated works in scheduling different short video, graphic and text.
While for the function of ad placement and its coverage, desktop version of Meta Business Suite is able to handle them in a more detailed manner.
If you have already connected your Facebook and Instagram page, you can create a Ad Account in Meta Business Suite, to schedule different ad as well as set the range and target audience.